Identify the Types of Noun is Easier than You Think of. That’s right. I believe that examples make the concepts easy. Therefore, we will try to understand the definition of Noun through examples.
Definition of Noun
Let’s take an example first.
Portia lives in the palace of Belmont.
If you observe the above sentence, you can find three names in the sentence. First, Portia, that is the name of a lady. Second, the palace, which is the name of a house. Third, Belmont, which is the name of a city or country. Isn’t it?
And these three are called Noun. In other words, the name of a person (Portia), place (Belmont) and a thing (palace) is called Noun.
In short, you can say names are noun. Let it be anything. If you think deep, you will find three names existing in the world i.e. person, place or thing. You won’t find other names apart from these three. See, how smart the grammar writers are!
Instead of saying just name, they say names of person, place or thing. Anyway, We have found the definition of Noun i.e. name.
Now, let’s move onto types of Noun.
Types of Noun
You might be impatient to know why I am talking about the definition of Noun, types of Noun etc. You came here to identify the types of Noun. Believe me, this is gonna help you to identify the types of Noun. Still, you think it wasting time, just move onto the exercise below.
There are four types of Noun. See them below.
- Proper Noun
- Common Noun
- Collective Noun
- Abstract Noun
Proper Noun
Proper Noun is the name of a particular person or place. You get the word particular. It means the name of its own. Ok, let’s take examples. John, it a particular name of a person. It is a person’s own name. Therefore, it is a proper noun.
Common Noun
Common Noun is the name of which is common to every person or thing. Such kind of names can be used and shared by everyone. Let’s make it clear with examples.
John is a good boy.
Here, in the above sentence, there are two names – John and boy. John is a particular name. However, the boy is not a particular name. It is a common name that can be used by and for everyone.
Collective Noun
The collective word comes from the word collection. Collection means group. When things or persons are taken together as one whole, they are called a collective noun. Let’s take the example of a man. If there is a group of men, that may be a crowd, mob, team, army, jury, family etc. Therefore, a different group of people are named differently.
Anyway, a group of things or persons are called a collective noun.
Abstract Noun
An abstract noun is usually the name of an action, state or quality. Ex- goodness, childhood, judgement.
Now let’s proceed and see whether we got the definition of Noun and types of Noun or not.
Identify the Types of Noun
Exercise – 1
Identify the types of Noun in the following sentences, and say whether they are Common Noun, Proper Noun, Collective Noun or Abstract Noun.
- The crowd in the movement was very big.
- Speaking the truth is healthy for society.
- Honest people can not live without honesty.
- An ideal class consists of 20 students.
- Bodybuilders have great strength.
Check Your Answers
Now, check your answers to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- The crowd in the movement was very big. Collective Noun
- Speaking the truth is healthy for society. Abstract Noun
- Honest people can not live without honesty. Abstract Noun
- An ideal class consists of 20 students. Collective Noun
- Bodybuilders have great strength. Abstract Noun
See the Explanation
See the explanations to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- The crowd is a collection of people. The collection of things or persons is a collective noun. Therefore, the crowd is a collective noun.
- Truth is the name of quality. Therefore, it is an abstract noun.
- Honesty is the name of quality. Therefore, it is an abstract noun.
- The class is a collection of students. The collection of things or persons is a collective noun. Therefore, the class is a collective noun.
- Strength is the name of quality. Therefore, it is an abstract noun.
With the help of these explanations, I hope you understood how to identify types of Noun in the above five sentences.
Exercise – 2
Identify the types of Noun in the following sentences, and say whether they are Common Noun, Proper Noun, Collective Noun or Abstract Noun.
- Vikramaditya always showed justice.
- Cleanliness lives in the heart of Indians.
- A fleet of ships has started its journey today.
- The class is silent on its mistake.
- The Ganga supposed to be a holy river.
Check Your Answers
Now, check your answers to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- Vikramaditya always showed justice. Proper Noun
- Cleanliness lives in the heart of Indians. Abstract Noun
- A fleet of ships has started its journey today. Collective Noun
- The class is silent on its mistake. Collective Noun
- The Ganga supposed to be a holy river. Proper Noun
See the Explanation
See the explanations to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- Vikramaditya is the name of a particular person. Therefore, it is a proper noun.
- Cleanliness is the name of quality. Therefore, it is an abstract noun.
- The fleet is a collection of ships. The collection of things or persons is a collective noun. Therefore, the fleet is a collective noun.
- The class is a collection of students. The collection of things or persons is a collective noun. Therefore, the class is a collective noun.
- The Ganga is the name of a particular river. Therefore, it is a proper noun.
With the help of these explanations, I hope you understood how to identify types of Noun in the above five sentences.
Exercise – 3
Identify the types of Noun in the following sentences, and say whether they are Common Noun, Proper Noun, Collective Noun or Abstract Noun.
- A committee of five men has started its plan.
- Jawaharlal Nehru was one of the best leaders of India.
- Our soldiers sacrifice everything for the country sake.
- Happiness is the creation of our thoughtfulness.
- The monkey snatched the bunch of banana.
Check Your Answers
Now, check your answers to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- A committee of five men has started its plan. Collective Noun, Common Noun
- Jawaharlal Nehru was one of the best leaders of India. Proper Noun, Proper Noun
- Our soldiers sacrifice everything for the country sake. Common Noun, Common Noun
- Happiness is the creation of our thoughtfulness. Abstract Noun, Abstract Noun
- The monkey snatched the bunch of banana. Common Noun, Collective Noun
See the Explanation
See the explanations to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- The committee is a collection of persons. The collection of things or persons is a collective noun. Therefore, the committee is a collective noun. Men can be used for and by everyone. Hence, it is a common noun.
- Jawaharlal Nehru / India is the name of a particular person/country. Therefore, they are a proper noun.
- The soldier can be used for and by everyone. Hence, it is a common noun.
- Happiness/thoughtfulness is the name of quality. Therefore, they are abstract noun.
- The monkey can be used for and by everyone. Hence, it is a common noun. The bunch is a collection of students. The collection of things or persons is a collective noun. Therefore, the bunch is a collective noun.
With the help of these explanations, I hope you understood how to identify types of Noun in the above five sentences.
Exercise – 4
Identify the types of Noun in the following sentences, and say whether they are Common Noun, Proper Noun, Collective Noun or Abstract Noun.
- Monica showed her bravery to the women.
- Indian team plays cricket in Australia.
- Show wisdom and you need not show strength.
- Speak the truth, not a lie to your teachers.
- Every girl knows the weakness of Nancy.
Check Your Answers
Now, check your answers to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- Monica showed her bravery to the women. Proper Noun, Abstract Noun, Common Noun
- Indian team plays cricket in Australia. Collective Noun, Proper Noun, Proper Noun
- Show wisdom and you need not show strength. Abstract Noun, Abstract Noun
- Speak the truth, not a lie to your teachers. Abstract Noun, Abstract Noun, Common Noun
- Every girl knows the weakness of Nancy. Common Noun, Abstract Noun, Proper Noun
See the Explanation
See the explanations to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- Monica is the name of a particular girl. Therefore, it is a proper noun. Bravery is the name of quality. Therefore, it is an abstract noun. The women can be used for and by everyone. Hence, it is a common noun.
- The team is a collection of players. The collection of things or persons is a collective noun. Therefore, the team is a collective noun. Cricket/Australia is the name of a particular game/country. Therefore, they are a proper noun.
- Wisdom/strength is the name of quality. Therefore, they are abstract noun.
- Truth/lie is the name of quality. Therefore, it is an abstract noun. Teachers can be used for and by everyone. Hence, it is a common noun.
- The girl can be used for and by everyone. Hence, it is a common noun. Weakness is the name of quality. Therefore, it is an abstract noun. Nancy is the name of a particular girl. Therefore, it is a proper noun.
With the help of these explanations, I hope you understood how to identify types of Noun in the above five sentences.
Exercise – 5
Identify the types of Noun in the following sentences, and say whether they are Common Noun, Proper Noun, Collective Noun or Abstract Noun.
- My belief is in the innocence of Mayank.
- The room is thirty feet in length.
- Childhood is the gold of human being.
- Agra city is famous for its factories.
- The jury announced the judgement against the murderer.
Check Your Answers
Now, check your answers to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- My belief is in the innocence of Mayank. Abstract Noun, Abstract Noun, Proper Noun
- The room is thirty feet in length. Common Noun, Abstract Noun
- Childhood is the gold of human being. Abstract Noun, Common Noun
- Agra city is famous for its factories. Proper Noun, Common Noun, Common Noun
- The jury announced the judgement against the murderer. Collective Noun, Abstract Noun, Common Noun
See the Explanation
See the explanations to the exercise Identify the types of Noun.
- Belief/innocence is the name of quality. Therefore, it is an abstract noun. Mayank is the name of a particular river. Therefore, it is a proper noun.
- The room can be used for and by everyone. Hence, it is a common noun. Length is the name of quality. Therefore, it is an abstract noun.
- Childhood is the name of a state. Therefore, it is an abstract noun. The soldier can be used for and by everyone. Hence, it is a common noun.
- Agra is the name of a particular city. Therefore, it is a proper noun. City/factories can be used for and by many place/house. Hence, they are a common noun.
- The jury is a collection of judges. The collection of things or persons is a collective noun. Therefore, the jury is a collective noun. Judgement is the name of action. Therefore, it is an abstract noun. The murderer can be used for and by everyone. Hence, it is a common noun.
With the help of these explanations, I hope you understood how to identify types of Noun in the above five sentences.
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