A sentence, as you know, is a group of words that make complete sense.
In these sentences, underline the thing or person who is doing the action.
· Mayank saw a scary movie.
. The brown dog crossed the road.
· My mother baked a cake.
. Jagadish went to the store.
. The lion roared loudly.
. The students marched well.
. Grandma told them a story.
· She went for a walk.
What did you notice?
Every sentence tells us about someone or something and about what they do.
The part of the sentence that tells us who or what the sentence is about is called the subject.
The most important word in the subject is called the subject word. The subject word is always a noun or a word that does the work of a noun.
The rest of the sentence is called the predicate. It tells us something about the subject.
For example,
. The tiger lives in the jungle.
Here, the highlighted part is the subject, and the rest of the sentence is the predicate. The predicate can be a single word. That word, then is a verb.
· Dogs bark.
In each of these sentences, the subject comes at the beginning of the sentence.
However, in some sentences, the subject does not come at the beginning.
For example,
. Down rolled the boulders.
Here, the subject is at the end of the sentence.
In imperative sentences, the subject is always you. However, the subject is understood rather than expressed. For example,
-Throw the ball.
Here, the subject you has been dropped.
In exclamatory sentences, the subject can be placed towards the end. For example,
-What a wonderful person you are!
In interrogative sentences, too, the subject does not come at the beginning. For example,
-Do you believe him?
Here we see that the subject comes between the helping verb and the main verb.
Identify the subject in each sentence. One has been done for you.
1. The little princess walked to the door.
2. Study seriously.
3. The young painter from the district is very talented.
4. Judy and her dog run on the beach every morning.
5. Obey your teacher.
6. The guilty should be punished.
7. Down fell the apples from the tree.
8. Do you take me for an idiot?
9. The scientist was always absorbed in his work.
10. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Provide meaningful subjects for these predicates.
1. _ have fallen ill after the function.
2. _ will be late for school.
3. _ roamed the jungle in search of food.
4. _ walked into the room casually.
5. _will be held at five in the evening.
6. _ gave me a book.
7. _ play hockey every morning.
8. _ gave a rose to his mother.
9. _ sang melodiously during the show.
10. love cricket.
Identify the subjects in this paragraph and use them to make sentences of your own. One has been done for you.
My neighbour was robbed by someone last night. All the valuables were stolen. The window panes were found to be broken. The front door was left open. My neighbour discovered the theft in the morning. The police was called. The investigation began. A few boys from the neighbourhood were detained.
My neighbour-My neighbour invited me to his birthday.