Created on By Verma Basant

Literary Term - 1

1 / 10

"A story or a poem in which characters, settings, and events stand other people or events or for abstract ideas or qualities" is known as

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Anagnorisis is a term used by Aristotle to mean

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"A reference to someone or something that is known from history, literature, religion, politics, sports, science or another branch of literature" is k

4 / 10

It deliberately suggests two or more different and sometimes conflicting meanings in a work. It is

5 / 10

It is a very short tale that is told by a character in a literary work. It is known as

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An extended narrative, which carries a second meaning along with its surface with its surface story, is known as

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Agitprop theatre, a well known form in 20th century, is

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Bunyan's The Pilgrim's progress is an instance of

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It is a term. It refers to a story that starts from the beginning of the events. Its Latin term means "from the beginning, the origin, the egg." Horace has used it in Ars Poetica. It is

10 / 10

Consider the following statements

  1. It is a figure of speech.
  2. It refers to a person, place, thing, or event real or imaginary.
  3. It is a passing reference as it does not describe in detail the person or thing to which it refers.
  4. It may be from fiction folklore, historical events, and religious manuscripts.

These statements are about

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Created on By Verma Basant

Literary Term - 2

1 / 10

'Art for art's sake' is associated with

2 / 10

The term used for use of an old or obsolete word, idio,m or form is

3 / 10

In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Antony begins his speech saying 'I came to bury Caesar, not to praise him.' But he goes on praising Caesar and finally succeeds in inciting the people against those who have assassinated him. Here, Antony makes the ironic use of a rhetorical device. This rhetorical device is

4 / 10

"The Bard", "The Iron Lady", and "The King" are examples of literary terms. It is

5 / 10

It is a kind of Metonymy in which an epithet or phrase takes the place of a proper name. 'The little corporal' is used for Napoleon. It also uses a proper name as an archetypal name to express a general idea. It is

6 / 10

The major character who stands directly opposed to the Protagonist is

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Julius Caesar used to write and depict his personal experiences about epic battles. He is said to the first

8 / 10

Chronicles which deal with events year after year are often called

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St. Augustine's Confessions and Rousseau's Confessions are the earliest instances of

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It is a short speech which is heard by the audience. The speaker expresses to audience his private thoughts. But the other characters do not hear it. The term for such speech is

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Created on By Verma Basant

Literary Term - 3

No of Questions: 10

1 / 10

Ballads are the narrative species of

2 / 10

Who is famous for diaries and memoirs?

3 / 10

Whose letters are foumous?

4 / 10

It is a group of authors who repudiated 'respectability' and normal social behaviour. They cultivated a rootless manner of living. They rejected standard narrative values and sought sexual liberation and exploration. They became drug addicts and were devoted to jazz. This group belongs to

5 / 10

Chevy Chass, Nut Brown Maid, Cowper's the Diverting History of John Gilpin, Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Keats' La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Sir Walter Scott's The Lay of the Last Minstrel are some of the well known

6 / 10

It is a grammatical term that refers to the inversion of word order from one clause to another. It is

7 / 10

Walden is a memoir of

8 / 10

"A sudden and ridiculous descent from the exalted to the common place and ordinary, especially when a writer, striving for the noble or pathetic, achieves the ludicrous." This is the best description of a term. This term is

9 / 10

This term is from the French for 'vanguard' (New wave). This is

10 / 10

The term Bardolatry was coined by

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