Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi is good exercise. There are the translation of the following sentences-
- Affirmative Sentences
- Negative Sentences
- Interrogative Sentences
- Miscellaneous Sentences
Solve the exercises and match them with the section Check Your Answers.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi
- हम दो दिनों से यात्रा कर रहे होंगे।।
- वे कल से खाना बना रहे होंगे।
- राम दोपहर से नदी में नहा रहा होगा।
- सीता शाम से एक आम खा रही होगी।
- वह सुबह से अपना पाठ याद कर रही होगी।
- मोहन पिछले साल से स्कूल जा रहा होगा।
- तुम चार दिन से खेत में हल चला रहे होंगे।
- किसान दोपहर से अपनी फसल काट रहे होंगे।
- बच्चे सुबह से पार्क में खेल रहे होंगे।
- रोहित एक सप्ताह से मंदिर जा रहा होगा।
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi
- We will have been travelling for two days.
- They will have been cooking since tomorrow.
- Rama will have been bathing in the river since noon.
- Sita will have been eating a mango since evening.
- She will have been memorizing her lesson since morning.
- Mohan will have been going to school since last year.
- You will have been ploughing the field for four days.
- Farmers will have been harvesting their crops since noon.
- Children will have been playing in the park since morning.
- Rohit will have been` going to the temple for a week.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi
- वे रात से नहीं घूम रहे होंगे।
- हम 3 वर्षो से दिल्ली नहीं जा रहे होंगे।
- गीता पिछले साल से स्कूल नहीं जा रही होगी।
- हम कल से खाना नहीं बना रहे होंगे।
- सरिता 2 बजे से झाड़ू नहीं लगा रही होगी।
- मैं पंद्रह मिनट से नहीं नाच रहा होगा।
- बच्चे सुबह से कड़ी मेहनत नहीं कर रहे होंगे।
- हम चार घंटे से खरीदारी नहीं कर रहे होंगे।
- वह चार दिनों खाना नहीं खा रही होगी।
- मैं चार दिनों से काजल की प्रतीक्षा नहीं कर रहा हुँगा।
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi
- They will not have been roaming since the night.
- We will not have been going to Delhi for 3 years.
- Geeta will not have been going to school since last year.
- We will not have been cooking since tomorrow.
- Sarita will not have been sweeping since 2 pm.
- I will not have been dancing for fifteen minutes.
- Children will not have been working hard since morning.
- We will not have been shopping for four hours.
- She would not have been eating for four days.
- I have not been waiting for Kajal for four days.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi
- क्या रवि मंगलवार से रात 9 बजे सो रहा होगा?
- क्या वे 3 सप्ताह से काम पर जा रहे होंगे?
- क्या राम चार घंटे से खरीदारी कर रहा होगा?
- क्या मैं शुक्रवार से अपनी परीक्षा में लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर रहा हुँगा?
- क्या जंगल में शेर 5 घंटे से दहाड़ रहे होंगे?
- क्या तुम 2020 से यह कार चला रहे होंगे?
- क्या मेरी माता 8 बजे से नाश्ता बना रही होगी?
- क्या रेनू पिछले वर्ष से पढ़ रही होगी?
- क्या मोहन दस दिनों से ऑफिस जा रहा होगा?
- क्या वे किसान सुबह से कठिन कार्य कर रहे होंगे?
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi
- Will Ravi have been sleeping at 9 pm since Tuesday?
- Will they have been going to work for 3 weeks?
- Will Ram have been shopping for four hours?
- Shall I have been studying hard for my exams since Friday?
- Will lions have been roaring in the forest for 5 hours?
- Will you have been driving this car since 2020?
- Will my mother have been making breakfast since 8 o’clock?
- Will Renu have been studying since last year?
- Will Mohan have been going to office for ten days?
- Will those farmers have been working hard since morning?
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi
- मोहन और सोहन एक घन्टे से क्यों लड रहे होंगे?
- शीला सुबह से कहाँ नाच रही होगी?
- मेरा भाई दो साल से कौन से स्कूल में पढ़ रहा होगा?
- अनिल दो दिनों से आगरा क्यों जा रहा होगा?
- राम एक घन्टे से कहाँ सो रहा होगा?
- मैं पांच बजे से मन्दिर कैसे जा रहा हूँगा ?
- शाम से आसमान में सितारे क्यों चमक रहे होंगे?
- दिल्ली में बरसात कबसे हो रही होगी?
- अंकित एक घन्टे से नदी में क्यों नहा रहा होगा?
- बच्चे सुबह से कहाँ खेल रहे होंगे?
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi
- Why will Mohan and Sohan have been fighting for an hour?
- Where will Sheila have been dancing since morning?
- Which school will my brother have been studying in for two years?
- Why will Anil have been going to Agra for two days?
- Where will Ram have been sleeping for an hour?
- How shall I have been going to the temple since 5 o’clock?
- Why will the stars have been shining in the sky since evening?
- How long will it have been raining in Delhi for?
- Why will Ankit have been bathing in the river for an hour?
- Where will the children have been playing since morning?
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi
- वे चार दिन से खेत में पानी चला रहे होंगे।
- मजदूर दो घन्टे से अपनी फसल नहीं काट रहे होंगे।
- राम सुबह से पार्क में क्यों नहीं खेल रहे होंगे।
- पुलिस रात को 8 बजे से दौड़ रहे होंगे।
- शीला कुछ समय से खेल रही होगी
- सरिता एक घन्टे से मंदिर नहीं जा रहा होगा।
- क्या मेरी माँ 5 बजे से नाश्ता बना रही होगी?
- रेखा पिछले दो महीनो से इतिहास और विज्ञान नहीं पढ़ रही होगी?
- केशव कई दिनों से उपन्यास क्यों नहीं पढ़ रहा होगा ?
- मैं दो दिन से सो नहीं रहा हूँगा ?
Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi
- They will have been running water in the field for four days.
- The workers will not have been cutting their crop for two hours.
- Why will Ram not have been playing in the park since morning?
- Police will have been running since 8 o’clock in the night.
- Sheila will have been playing for some time.
- Sarita will not have been going to the temple for an hour.
- Will my mother have been preparing breakfast since 5 o’clock?
- Rekha will not have been studying history and science for the last two months?
- Why will Keshav not have been reading the novel for several days?
- I will not have been sleeping for two days?