Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi is good exercise. There are the translation of the following sentences-

  • Affirmative Sentences
  • Negative Sentences
  • Interrogative Sentences
  • Miscellaneous Sentences

Solve the exercises and match them with the section Check Your Answers.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi

  1. हम दो दिनों से यात्रा कर रहे होंगे।।
  2. वे कल से खाना बना रहे होंगे।
  3. राम दोपहर से नदी में नहा  रहा होगा।
  4. सीता शाम से एक आम खा रही होगी।
  5. वह सुबह से अपना पाठ याद कर रही होगी।
  6. मोहन पिछले साल से स्कूल जा रहा होगा।
  7. तुम चार दिन से खेत में हल चला रहे होंगे।
  8. किसान दोपहर से अपनी फसल काट रहे होंगे।
  9. बच्चे सुबह से पार्क में खेल रहे होंगे।
  10. रोहित एक सप्ताह से मंदिर जा रहा होगा।

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi

  1. We will have been travelling for two days.
  2. They will have been cooking since tomorrow.
  3. Rama will have been bathing in the river since noon.
  4. Sita will have been eating a mango since evening.
  5. She will have been memorizing her lesson since morning.
  6. Mohan will have been going to school since last year.
  7. You will have been ploughing the field for four days.
  8. Farmers will have been harvesting their crops since noon.
  9. Children will have been playing in the park since morning.
  10. Rohit will have been` going to the temple for a week.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi

  1. वे रात से नहीं घूम रहे होंगे।
  2. हम 3 वर्षो से दिल्ली नहीं जा रहे होंगे।
  3. गीता पिछले साल से स्कूल नहीं जा रही होगी।
  4. हम कल से खाना नहीं बना रहे होंगे।
  5. सरिता 2 बजे से झाड़ू नहीं लगा रही होगी।
  6. मैं पंद्रह मिनट से नहीं नाच रहा होगा।
  7. बच्चे सुबह से कड़ी मेहनत नहीं कर रहे होंगे।
  8. हम  चार घंटे से खरीदारी नहीं कर रहे होंगे।
  9. वह चार दिनों खाना नहीं खा रही होगी।
  10. मैं चार दिनों से काजल की प्रतीक्षा नहीं कर रहा हुँगा।

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi

  1. They will not have been roaming since the night.
  2. We will not have been going to Delhi for 3 years.
  3. Geeta will not have been going to school since last year.
  4. We will not have been cooking since tomorrow.
  5. Sarita will not have been sweeping since 2 pm.
  6. I will not have been dancing for fifteen minutes.
  7. Children will not have been working hard since morning.
  8. We will not have been shopping for four hours.
  9. She would not have been eating for four days.
  10. I have not been waiting for Kajal for four days.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi

  1. क्या रवि मंगलवार से रात 9 बजे सो रहा होगा?
  2. क्या वे 3 सप्ताह से काम पर जा रहे होंगे?
  3. क्या राम चार घंटे से खरीदारी कर रहा होगा?
  4. क्या मैं शुक्रवार से अपनी परीक्षा में लिए कठिन अध्ययन कर रहा हुँगा?
  5. क्या जंगल में शेर 5 घंटे से दहाड़ रहे होंगे?
  6. क्या तुम 2020 से यह कार चला रहे होंगे?
  7. क्या मेरी माता 8 बजे से नाश्ता बना रही होगी?
  8. क्या रेनू पिछले वर्ष से पढ़ रही होगी?
  9. क्या मोहन दस दिनों से ऑफिस जा रहा होगा?
  10. क्या वे किसान सुबह से कठिन कार्य कर रहे होंगे?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi

  1. Will Ravi have been sleeping at 9 pm since Tuesday?
  2. Will they have been going to work for 3 weeks?
  3. Will Ram have been shopping for four hours?
  4. Shall I have been studying hard for my exams since Friday?
  5. Will lions have been roaring in the forest for 5 hours?
  6. Will you have been driving this car since 2020?
  7. Will my mother have been making breakfast since 8 o’clock?
  8. Will Renu have been studying since last year?
  9. Will Mohan have been going to office for ten days?
  10. Will those farmers have been working hard since morning?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi

  1. मोहन और सोहन  एक घन्टे से क्यों  लड  रहे होंगे?
  2. शीला सुबह से कहाँ नाच रही होगी?
  3. मेरा भाई दो साल से कौन से स्कूल में पढ़ रहा होगा?
  4. अनिल दो दिनों से आगरा क्यों जा रहा होगा?
  5. राम एक घन्टे से कहाँ सो रहा होगा?
  6. मैं पांच बजे से मन्दिर कैसे जा  रहा हूँगा ?
  7. शाम से आसमान में सितारे क्यों चमक रहे होंगे?
  8. दिल्ली में बरसात कबसे हो रही होगी?
  9. अंकित एक घन्टे से नदी में क्यों नहा रहा होगा?
  10. बच्चे सुबह से कहाँ खेल रहे होंगे?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi

  1. Why will Mohan and Sohan have been fighting for an hour?
  2. Where will Sheila have been dancing since morning?
  3. Which school will my brother have been studying in for two years?
  4. Why will Anil have been going to Agra for two days?
  5. Where will Ram have been sleeping for an hour?
  6. How shall I have been going to the temple since 5 o’clock?
  7. Why will the stars have been shining in the sky since evening?
  8. How long will it have been raining in Delhi for?
  9. Why will Ankit have been bathing in the river for an hour?
  10. Where will the children have been playing since morning?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi

  1. वे  चार दिन से खेत में पानी चला रहे होंगे।
  2. मजदूर  दो घन्टे  से अपनी फसल नहीं काट रहे होंगे।
  3. राम सुबह से पार्क में क्यों नहीं खेल रहे होंगे।
  4. पुलिस  रात को 8 बजे से दौड़ रहे होंगे।
  5. शीला कुछ समय से खेल रही होगी
  6. सरिता  एक घन्टे से मंदिर नहीं जा रहा होगा।
  7. क्या मेरी माँ 5 बजे से नाश्ता बना रही होगी?
  8. रेखा पिछले दो महीनो से इतिहास और विज्ञान नहीं  पढ़ रही होगी?
  9. केशव कई दिनों से उपन्यास क्यों नहीं पढ़ रहा होगा ?
  10. मैं दो दिन से सो नहीं रहा हूँगा ?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi

  1. They will have been running water in the field for four days.
  2. The workers will not have been cutting their crop for two hours.
  3. Why will Ram not have been playing in the park since morning?
  4. Police will have been running since 8 o’clock in the night.
  5. Sheila will have been playing for some time.
  6. Sarita will not have been going to the temple for an hour.
  7. Will my mother have been preparing breakfast since 5 o’clock?
  8. Rekha will not have been studying history and science for the last two months?
  9. Why will Keshav not have been reading the novel for several days?
  10. I will not have been sleeping for two days?

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