Definition of Material Noun With Examples Will Clarify The Concept

Definition of material noun with examples is a part of noun in English grammar. You must know the definition of noun and then kinds of noun for better understanding. It is the detailed study of the definition of material noun with examples. You will find explanations also along with examples.

Let us start the subject without wasting time.

Definition of Material Noun with Examples

You can find a simple definition of material noun.

A material noun denotes the matter or substance of which things are made. Moreover, these substances are available on the earth.

Let’s see some examples of the material noun

Underline the material nouns in the following sentences.

  1. Gold is trendy among Indian women.
  2. Do you think that milk is an essential food for everyone?
  3. Leather comes from the skin of animals.
  4. The crop of wheat was good last year.
  5. India exports tea to many countries of the world.
  6. The kids are playing with plastic guns.
  7. The girl wears a silver ring.
  8. Iron bed is cumbersome to shift from one place to another.
  9. The wood is very long-lasting in the form of wood.
  10. You bike is made of plastic.

Check Your Answers

  1. Gold is trendy among Indian women.
  2. Do you think that milk is an essential food for everyone?
  3. Leather comes from the skin of animals.
  4. The crop of wheat was good last year.
  5. India exports tea to many countries of the world.
  6. The kids are playing with plastic guns.
  7. The girl wears a silver ring.
  8. Iron bed is cumbersome to shift from one place to another.
  9. The wood is very long-lasting in the form of wood.
  10. You bike is made of plastic.

Here in the above sentences, gold, milk, leather, wheat, and tea are the substances one can make many items. Therefore, they are the material noun. Likewise, the nouns plastic, silver, iron, and wood are also the substance of which a new item can be made. So, they are also the material nouns. 

If you understood the definition of material noun with examples, you can move onto the proper noun exercises with answers for your practice and more clarification.

You must read the definition of other types of nouns. Like –

  • Definition of Proper Noun
  • Definition of Common Noun
  • Abstract Noun Definition 
  • Definition of Collective Noun


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