Practice of Identifying the Common Nouns and Proper Nouns in Sentences

Identifying the Common Nouns and Proper Nouns in Sentences is a good exercise. Before we start the subject, let us have a look at the previous topics. The current subjects require these subjects for completion.

It requires the definition of the proper noun and the common noun in detail. Here we will have a short note on purpose through examples.

Have a look at these examples that will help to get these points.

  • Harry is an industrious boy.
  • Kolkata is a big city.
  • Samsung is a trendy mobile.

If you examine these sentences, you will find that Harry, Kolkata, and Samsung are the particular names of a person, a place, and a thing. Therefore, they are proper nouns.

On the contrary, the boy, the city, and the mobile are common to all boys, cities, and things. So they are common nouns.

Now let us have the definition of these two terms below.

Proper Noun

A proper noun is a particular name of a person, a place, or a thing.

Common Noun

A common noun is a name common to every person, place, or thing.

Identifying the Common Nouns and Proper Nouns in Sentences – Type 1

Exercise – 1

Identifying the common nouns and proper nouns in sentences given below.

  1. My friend Jagdish will go on a tour.
  2. Sammar does not eat fruits.
  3. Maya plays chess in her school.
  4. The tiger is a ferocious animal.
  5. His death anniversary falls in January. 

Check Your Answers

  1. My friend Jagdish will go on a tour.
  2. Sammar does not eat fruits.
  3. Maya plays chess in her school.
  4. The tiger is a ferocious animal.
  5. His death anniversary falls in January

In the first sentence, the friend is a common name of a person. So this is a common noun. On the other hand, Jagdish is a particular name of a person. Therefore, it is a proper noun.

In the second sentence, Sammar is a particular name of a person. So this is a proper noun. And fruit is a name common to all fruits. So this is a common noun.

The third sentence has Maya as a proper noun and school as a common noun. One is the particular name of a person, and the other is the common name of the house of it its class.

In the fourth sentence, tiger and animal are the nouns. One is a particular name, and the other is the common name for animals.

In the last sentence, January is a particular name of a month. So this is a proper noun.

Exercise – 2

Identifying the common nouns and proper nouns in sentences given below.

  1. Hospitals are open on Sundays.
  2. Jayshankar Prasad wrote Kamayani.
  3. It is a famous novel.
  4. My brother does not read the newpaper. 
  5. Mala is my classmate. 

Check Your Answers

  1. Hospitals are open on Sundays.
  2. Jayshankar Prasad wrote Kamayani.
  3. It is a famous novel.
  4. My brother does not read the newpaper
  5. Mala is my classmate

In the first sentence, hospitals and Sundays are nouns. Hospitals are a common noun as they are the common name, and Sundays are the proper noun because they are the particular name of a day.

Jayshankar Prasad and Kamayani are proper nouns as they are the particular names of a person and a book.

Here in this sentence, the novel is a common noun because it is a common name.

My brother and newspaper are common nouns because they are common names.

Here in this sentence, Mala is a proper noun, and classmate is a common noun. They are the names of a particular person and a common name of a thing.

Identifying the Common Nouns and Proper Nouns in Sentences – Type 2

Exercise – 1

Identifying the common nouns and proper nouns in sentences given below. Match the common noun with the proper nouns. 

Column – A

  1. boy
  2. city
  3. river
  4. contry

Column – B

  • India
  • Brahmputra
  • Ram Sagar
  • Banglore

Check Your Answers

  1. boy – Ram Sagar
  2. city – Banglore
  3. river – Brahmputra
  4. country – India

Exercise – 2

Identifying the common nouns and proper nouns in sentences given below. Match the common noun with the proper nouns. 

Column – A

  1. continent
  2. desert
  3. animal
  4. fruit

Column – B

  • tiger
  • mango
  • Australia
  • The Thar

Check Your Answers

  1. continent – Australia
  2. desert – the Thar
  3. animal  – tiger
  4. fruit  – mango

Hope you understood the exercises of identifying common nouns and proper noun in sentences well. For more, you can visit proper noun examples, common noun examples, abstract noun examples, etc.

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